Consistent Query Answering (CQA) is a well-known problem in databases. Given a query q over a database D, CQA amounts to computing answers of q that are true in all repairs of the original database, where a repair is a revision of the original database that is maximal and satisfies its integrity constraints. This benchmark includes all co-NP queries (Q3, Q6 and Q7) taken from [1]. For each query, the encoding presented by Barcelò and Bertossi in [2] have been used. The instance were represented by 40 different databases used in [1]. [1] Kolaitis, P.G., Pema, E., Tan, W.: Efficient querying of inconsistent databases with binary integer programming. PVLDB 6(6), 397–408 (2013). [2] Barcelò, P., Bertossi, L.E.: Logic programs for querying inconsistent databases. In: Dahl, V., Wadler, P. (eds.) PADL. LNCS, vol. 2562, pp. 208–222. Springer (2003).